Creation, Fall, Redemption applied on Romero Movie- A Theological Essay

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Creation, Fall, Redemption applied on Romero Movie

The Romero movie focused on Oscar Romero as the main character. The movie took place in El Salvador where the military elites oppressed the poor and to anyone who rebelled. The plot started with Romero being promoted to become the archbishop in one of the churches in El Salvador. At first, Romero was hesitant because he was a conservative person and felt that he was not the right person to be an advocate of the people. This was exactly what the other Vatican priests thought, too. The board of priests thought that Romero would not get involved in any political issues. However, later at the end of the movie, Romero developed to become the voice for the people. Utilizing his sermon, he used that time to encourage the government to bring freedom and justice toward the citizens. The end of Romero’s life happened when he was murdered during his sermon. Personally, I didn’t really like the movie. Even though I like how the movie showed the audience of Romero from being a “regular” priest into an “inspirational” priest, and the sufferings of both the El Salvador residents and Romero in dealing with the harsh government, I feel like the movie should have had a better ending. Maybe it could give a resolution of the people and not just the murder of Romero. The ending made me feel restless about the condition of El Salvador since they have lost their archbishop.
    Applying creation and fall into the movie, I find that the world in El Salvador was tragic. God created the world in His own image, which means everything is good, including the people in El Salvador. In some parts of the movie, it showed how beautiful the natural landscape in El Salvador was. The local people there looked cheerful, happy, and good. This showed how the general nature of people was because they were created good by God. In Genesis 1: 31a: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” There was no exception of goodness in the people of El Salvador, including the savage government. Nevertheless, fall entered the world causing brokenness to the creation. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people because all sinned--” (Romans 5: 12). Fall had damaged the law causing the absence of justice, human rights, and many other good things which instead brought chaos and oppression to the people of El Salvador. The fall, or sin, is the central problem that leads humans to conduct all the bad things. As shown in the Romero movie, the government was what is evil. They tried to alter the law and democracy that should have been happening. They were what is evil because they placed oppression to the poor, and exercised military dictatorship, as well as brought about absence of human rights to the local people of El Salvador. Things were out of control and there was no more hope of being free and happy for the people. Indeed, the movie showed a tragic world in El Salvador. A world made with all the goodness and the best things are substituted with a bad world full of oppression.
    El Salvador was a tragic place. We find Oscar Romero positioned as the archbishop there. The status archbishop meant that he had a high authority over the people of the church. Even though he was expected to be the advocate for the tortured citizens, Romero could have had the choice to stay put and not do anything about the citizens. He could have “played-safe” just like what the other priests wanted and stayed in his comfort zone. However, Romero didn’t do any of that. He chose to come directly into the local people and became one of them. In the nearly last part of the movie, Romero was even tortured and went to jail because he had chosen to do so. With the power as an archbishop, he could have chosen to be free. Therefore, just like the concept of cruciform kingdom, Romero acted as a servant and embodies self- sacrifice. Like Jesus when He comes to the earth, He didn’t come as a king with all those extravagant or lavish parties like the world would expect from a king. Jesus came in a humble manner, born from a ‘regular’ family, and live His life to serve others. Jesus became the human who was tortured and crucified. It was not the kind of life that a king should undergo, but Jesus showed that a Christian life isn’t all about the good things. It is also about being a servant and self- sacrifice. And Romero showed us that cruciform kingdom example.
    In conclusion, this movie showed the example of living a life of being in a cruciform kingdom where we, individually and communally, should embody ourselves to be a servant of God. “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). Serving one another could include also by being an individual who is not racist, not seeing the social status, and applying human rights. Communally, as a Christians, we work also as a part to preach the good news to everyone, including the poor, the weak, and the lost. Hence, every single part of the world, including El Salvador, is a place where Christians should spread the gospel and apply them so that they will be “disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28: 19).
